The Ivakkak awards ceremony was held today in Puvirnituq at the community gymnasium with between 400-500 community members present. The awards ceremony was broadcasted live on TNI. Juani Beaulne, the Ivakkak coordinator, was the master of ceremonies. The top three winners were awarded and given Ivakkak trophies.
First place being Novalinga Novalinga and his partner Juani Uqaituq, second place was Peter Itukallak with partner Juani Nutaraaluk and Aisa Surusilak and Richard Surusilak. The cultural award winners were Willie Cain Jr. for using a seal skin whip and Bill Cain for using a seal skin parka and pants ñ they are brothers.
Puvirnituqís council member, Paulusie Angiyou was present as well as the FCNQA interim president, Aliva Tulugak, who presented some prizes to the winners.
There was also an honorary presenter, Laura Reitveld, who directed the documentary “Okpikís Dream” and presented something on behalf of Ivakkak to Harry Okpik, the star of the documentary, which outlines his life and illustrates the attainment of his dream of becoming a dog musher.
Congratulations to everybody, particularly to Harry Ookpik for the old time, and to Junior May my angusiak.
Salutations to old friend and former boss in mental heath committee, Johnny Oovout.
Numa uvunga aaniasiurtimarik Quebec City
Félicitations to a fun race pulled by loyal Inuit husky dogs driven by brave strong mushers assisted by the absolute responsible officials with a skilled veterinarian to aid the four-legged faithfuls and many thankyous to our gregarious photographer who brought the Ivakkak to us one snap at a time. Nakurmiik 🙂 🙂 🙂