Community feast in Alulivik
a big help from the community for welcoming the mushers, putting up the banner at the finish line and helping with tie-ing the dogs at the small lake by the airport all the mushers are being hosted in families and…
a big help from the community for welcoming the mushers, putting up the banner at the finish line and helping with tie-ing the dogs at the small lake by the airport all the mushers are being hosted in families and…
arrival of the teams in Alulivik lots of snow in the community, some roads, the snow piles up to 3 meters on either side blizzard conditions, with a five minutes of blue sky every mushers was escorted by a support…
The mushers arriving in Akulivik today. All teams were escorted by a support crew to ensure their safe arrival. Today was not a race day due to the poor weather conditions. View the gallery:
A major weather shift this evening, winds from the East subside and now coming strong from the West – and the clouds formation were interesting.
It looks like Iggaak
Ejeek – Old man winter looking at us
When I’m in the villages and the Ivakkak dogs are fine, I also offer my vet services to the community. I saw dogs with differents problems such worms, paw injuries, eye problems, anorexia and wounds. I also helped a local…
acing at its best today, three teams passing each other all day long, right up to the finish line for Jr Tukkiapik and Willy Cain’s fishing spot for the Pov mushers for white fish we had a chance at a…
departure in the morning foggy, waiting to clear up, studing the map and the trail the frenzy of the start
windy day blowing snow meeting in cabin no 3 gone fishing gone photographing
late afternoon, sunny day windy, camping at cabins
Arrival in Puvirnituq today. They will race again on Saturday at 10 a.m.
Ivakkak travelled 80 kilometres to their scheduled checkpoint of Kuraaluk. It was two degrees today and many of the dogs were overheating. Billy Cain’s dogs would not move today as they did not have energy for the race. Billy Cain…
The mushers will not be racing today, due to winds and blowing snow. They are all in cabins at Nauliravik. Another update will be posted tomorrow morning.
The mushers left Inukjuak this morning for Nauliravik (translation: where you harpoon), which is approximately 58 kilometres north. This will be their first of two overnight checkpoints before arriving in Puvirnituq. Nauliravik was a small village before the signing of…
Weather overcast, almost white out, light wind. A big crowd came to cheer the mushers.
Dogs were in transit from upriver to behind the community at tomorrow’s starting line. We took time to clean and repair some qamutiks, dried tents and equipment; and get lots of sleep. Everyone is ready.
Ivakkak 2017 racing teams arrived in Inukjuak this afternoon. Members of the community and those who flew in from other villages were waiting for their arrival on the sea ice. Peter Ittukallak arrived first with his partner Putugu Iqiquq. The…