Race Postponed a day
Due to the poor weather conditions, it has been decided that the race will be held back a day. If the weather permits the racers are scheduled to hit the trail tomorrow starting at 10:00 am. The racers will depart…
Poor weather holds the race back a day
Poor weather conditions have held the race back a day. The decision was made yesterday in the best interest of the mushers, crew and dogs safety. The area where the dogs are presently resting is relatively sheltered due to the surrounding…
Final Preperations
With the start of the race fast approaching, and all the teams now in Chisasibi, today is the day to get any loose ends tied up. The mushers along with the support staff all met to go over the trail…
Day 3 in Chassibi
The day was filled with activities, the remainder of the teams are now making their way into Chisasibi. With more of the teams getting settled its now time to get started with the final checks. This year’s Veterinarian Caroline Fortin began examining…
December 18, 2018 – The organizing committee of Ivakkak 2019 is happy to announce that annual dog race will return to the Nunavik trails on Monday February 25, 2019. The race will depart from the community of Chisasibi heading north…
The flight home
The Race is over and everyone is now making their way home. Thanks to the custom configuration that Air Inuit sets up for us the dogs will all be back home in a very short time.
A unique perspective
A Unique point of view from Team #4 Matthew Arngak and partner Pauli Qisiiq. These shots were taken from a Go Pro on their way to Kangiqsujuaq.
The Teams Depart Quaqtaq
The weather has finally improved enough for the racers to leave for the final leg of the race. The teams will be traveling approximately 70KM today where they will be camping at a remote checkpoint for the night.
Continued poor weather conditions mean another day in Quaqtaq
There hasn’t been much improvement in weather between Quaqtaq and Kangiqsujuaq. Because of this, the race will have to be cancelled another day to insure the safety of the teams and support crew.
Poor weather conditions put the race on hold another day.
Due to continued poor weather conditions, and forecasted high winds for tonight, the race officials along with their support crews have decided that it would be better to cancel the race for today. Better weather is in the forecast for…
Blizzard conditions put the race on hold
Due to poor weather condition the officials have decided to cancel the race for today.